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KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic AugKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--4,57346,39EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic AugKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--4,57346,39EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic FebKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--3,90405,13EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic FebKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--3,90405,13EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic MayKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--5,50443,54EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic MayKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--5,50443,54EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic NovKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--5,50426,66EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Dynamic NovKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating--5,50426,66EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic AugKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---13,47360,07EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic AugKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---13,47360,07EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic FebKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---12,89424,44EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic FebKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---12,89424,44EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic MayKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---13,31470,70EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic MayKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---13,31470,70EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic NovKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---11,77449,35EUR
KBC Life Privileged Portfolio Protected Highly Dynamic NovKapitaal BeschermdKBC-Life Privileged Po...Geen Rating---11,77449,35EUR
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Fund prices are updated every weekday after the close of trading and before 11pm wherever possible. Performance figures are presented in British Sterling (GBP). Fund returns are based upon NAV to NAV or Bid to Bid on an income reinvested basis. UK-domiciled funds report after-tax dividends. Non-UK-domiciled funds report gross dividends. Pension funds report after-tax returns.
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